Join us for the 'Pre INTA' meetup in Guangzhou City | Thursday 23rd March, 2:30pm
Updated: Mar 22, 2023
With the International Trademark Association Annual Meeting just around the corner, cities around the globe are hosting local pre-INTA sessions leading up the main event in May. Join us this Thursday, 23rd March for the Guangzhou edition of the pre INTA session. Ms Amy Wong, General manager of Macao Victory Group will moderate the proceedings, with keynote presentations given by Zhang Xue Jun of King & Wood Mallesons (Shenzhen) , and Wang Juan, Director of Intellectual Property Department,Tencent.
We hope you can join us in Guangzhou this coming Thursday 23 March for a wonderful session of learning , exchange and networking.
14:30-15:00 Opening and Remarks
15: 00-16: 20 - Keynote Speeches
Topic: Legal Proceedings of Trademark Malicious Preemptive Registration and Counterclaim
ZHANG Xue Jun, Senior Consultant of KWM (Shenzhen) Law Office, Beijing.
WANG Juan, Director of Intellectual Property Department, Tencent.
16:20-16:40 INTA and Conference Experience Sharing
Ms Amy Wong, General Manager, Macao Victory Group International;
Sunny Chandra, International IP Director, Macao Victory Group International
16:40-17:30 Networking & Exchange
Venue: 3rd Floor, Building W1, Haisi Literacy Center, Sino-Singapore Guangzhou Knowledge City.
Address: S378, Jiulong Avenue, Huangpu District, Guangzhou City,Guangdong Province, PRC.
Sponsored by:
International Trademark Association
Guangzhou Development Zone Knowledge City;
International Intellectual Property Promotion Association
Guangzhou Development Zone Knowledge City;
International Intellectual Property Promotion Association
All delegates are welcome to come along to exchange and share information about the INTA Annual Conference.
14:30-15:00 开幕致辞15:00-16:20 主题交流商标恶意抢注与反赔的法律诉讼张学军,北京市金杜(深圳)律师事务所高级顾问企业的商标品牌保护之道望娟,腾讯知识产权部总监16:20-16:40 INTA年会参展商经验分享
16:40-17:30 互动交流欢迎各位与会代表会后交流,共同分享关于INTA年会的信息